Know the Faith to Live the Faith
Did you know that members of the diocese of Manchester (that's us) receive a 50% discount on Notre Dame enrichment courses online? Adults from every background, knowledgebase, and education level can benefit!
Online Enrichment Courses
The University of Notre Dame offers a Satellite Theological Education Program (STEP) as part of The McGrath Institute for Church Life. Members of the Diocese of Manchester receive an approximate 50% discount on many of their courses that cover a host of topics in doctrine, Scripture, Church history, social justice, and more. You absolutely don’t need to be a scholar or involved in any lay ministry to register, participate, and learn. Most courses are under $100 before discounts, last six weeks, and need about 3-5 hours a week of your time, usually with all course-material available free online. Take just one class or take forty! Contact credits are given for each completed course. There are also online programs for obtaining Certificates of Catholic Theology for more in-depth involvement.
Explore their website and you may discover the perfect class for you! (Remember to select the diocese of Manchester from the discount menu.)
"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." – Romans 12:2