We all grow in the fullness of joy when we come to know of God's infinite love for us. Care for the soul is as important as care for the body! Faith formation and religious education, therefore, are vital for every human being, through every age.
Family Faith Formation
Registration for the 2024-25 school year is open!
The program runs from September 2024 through May 2025. Families register and participate in the formation of their children in grades K-8. We meet once a month as a parish , along with the parishes of Holy Rosary and St. Peter's, with assigned activities to be done at home. If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Girard, Faith Formation coordinator at dre.st.peter@gmail.com.
Please note: For those will high school aged children looking to received the sacraments, please contact Jennifer directly at dre.st.peter@gmail.com.
Our Religious Education Program is in conjunction with Holy Rosary Parish of Hooksett and St. Peter's of Auburn -- we all share our Pastor, Fr. Michael Gendron as well as our Director of Religious Education, Jennifer Girard. Our Family Program meets at St. Peter Parish, Auburn, NH.
Any and all questions about our religious education program should be directed to Jennifer Girard dre.st.peter@gmail.com or by calling 603-623-5429 ext. 4.
In the event of cancelations due to weather, announcements will be made via WMUR. Look for St. John the Baptist Suncook, or Holy Rosary Parish Hooksett in the listings. A make up class will be scheduled for the following Sunday.
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." – Matthew 19:14 RSV
Why did God make you?
God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world,
and to be happy with Him forever in the next.
~ from the Baltimore Catechism