"…the kingdom of God is at hand…" Mark 1:15


Take a Step in Faith

Parish Stewardship Initiative 2022

and online form

(scroll down for form)

You are beloved to God. God created you with unique gifts in this particular time and place so that you may be able to follow Christ and help carry out His mission. As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of all that God has given to us as we love and serve God and neighbor. St. John the Baptist Parish exists to help answer this call.  The reality is that our parish needs your time, talents, and resources to fulfill Christ's mission. We cannot do it without you, because you are a member of our parish family.

In this holy season, during our troubled times, we as a parish are launching an initiative of stewardship. How can you be a good steward?

Jesus invites us to follow Him on a road less traveled. As a people of faith, we are called to be in relationship with Him. So, how is your prayer life? Are you making time to talk with God each day? When we convert our hearts to Christ, we create a Sacrammental Worldview — where Christ's will is at the center and we see the world through His eyes. This is the beginning of every Christian's Stewardship journey.

As you pray, reflect upon your life, your gifts, and the well-being of others in our community. Ask yourself two questions:

As a Baptized member of this parish communiity, how am I participating in the mission of St. John the Baptist?

       Most of us don't remember our Baptisms, but on that day we were claimed for Christ and we became a member of a parish family.

How am I sharing the gifts that I was given as Confirmation?

      Again, for most of us this day was a long time ago. But we know that we were sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our Bishop gave us the most exciting charge of our lives — to live as Christ and to use our gifts for the mission proclaimed in the Gospel.

Time, Talent, Treasure

The Gift of Time:

There can be no greater gift than the time that we spend with God.

First, commit to regular time in prayer. Be it through Scripture, traditional prayers, daily Mass participation, or opening your mind and heart to the reality of God's loving presence with you, quiet time with God is essential for every human being.

Second, the gift of time can also be expressed through service to our parish community consisting of offering your time to serve the poor, to volunteer at school or religious education, to lector, or to bring Communion to the homebound.

In reality, all time is God's time — we call it life — and in God's gift of life we are reminded that every decision that we make, every choice of how to use our gifts is to be made with the knowledge that without God's gift of life we have nothing to live for or hope for.

The Gift of Talent:

Has anyone ever told you that you are uniquely qualified? It's true. God only made one of you and He put you here in this time and in this place to be of service through His divine plan. Through our stewardship of talent, we bring His plans to fruition, which blesses both the giver and the receiver. By offering our talents, we serve God by offering what is beautiful and unique. That's right, we're talking about you! 

The Gift of Treasure:

Each of us has been blessed in different ways with financial resources. In Stewardship, we are called to return a portion of those blessings to the work of Christ and His Church, in a way that is planned, proportionate, sacrificial, and given as a prayer of thanksgiving. St. John the Baptist Parish depends upon our regular financial contributions, however large or small they may be. When we give from our substance rather than from our abundance, God greatly multiplies the gift that we give. Our spiritual needs are as important as our physical needs, so let us prayerfully plan what portion of our income we can give over to the work of God. Though it may seem like a saccrifice at first, it will become a prayer of thanksgiving as we live out our faith that our security and joy comes not from possessions or things, but from God and our acts of love for God and neighbor.

Please see the chart below the form as you prayerfully consider how best to continue your financial support of St. John the Baptist parish.

Stewardship Form

As you review and fill out the online form below, you will find many areas of service and support opportunities here at St. John the Baptist. (Print forrms can also be found at the entrances of the church.) Please fill one out as soon as you can.

There are several different ministries to choose from where your God-given abilities — your "talents" — would best fit you. If you like, before making your selections and filling in your information, see the links below the form for more information on each ministry and/or group. For questions, please contact the office  603-485-3113  or speak to Fr. Michael or Fr. David after Mass. 

Please also review and prayerfully consider your weekly contribution of "treasures" — the financial support that you are able to give St. John the Baptist to continue fulfilling Christ's mission. There is a chart of suggested percentage increases (only suggestions) at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

Parish Stewardship Initiative

We are called to be good stewards of all that God has given to us as we love God and neighbor. This is the reason why our St. John the Baptist Parish exists: to spread and to live the Good News of Christ's saving love.

Please review and prayerfully consider the many areas of service and support opportunities here at St. John the Baptist as you fill out this form. (Information will not leave the parish.)

Volunteering Time and Talent

Please click the box for each NEW ministry in which you would like to serve.
(For the ministries or groups in which you are already serving — Thank You!)

Stewardship of Treasure

Each of us has been blessed in different ways with financial resources. Some of you may already give all that you can afford to give in your weekly contributions, while others may be able to increase those contributions.

Please review the chart below this form and pray about how God may be calling you to take a step in faith and return a portion of your weekly or monthly earnings to support and continue His mission at our parish.

Almost There!

After filling out this form, please click the "I'm not a robot" box and then the "submit" button below. Thank you!



Click on one of the ministries or groups below to learn more about them

Liturgical Ministries: Altar Servers, Lectures, Eucharistic Ministers, Music Ministers/Choir

Faith Formation and Catechesis

Helping Hands

Knights of Columbus

Ladies of Sainte Anne Sodality

Mission Rosebush Society of St. Thérèse

Community Table

SJB Evangelizers

Intercessory Prayer Group


Suggested Contributions Based on Percentage Increase

We understand that not every family will have the financial ability to do this

because of fixed or limited income, but many families do have this potential and maybe more.

As a gentle reminder, the financial gift charts are only suggestions.

Would you like to give online? Click HERE for our online giving site.

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